Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God made all colors equal. Why do minorities get all the breaks with regard to business opportunities?

Color and race aside. The best job for the best price ! Minoritiy owned businesses are gouging their customers and allowed to do so.

God made all colors equal. Why do minorities get all the breaks with regard to business opportunities?
They get a few government-sanctioned breaks to offset the mountanous social and economic disavantage that prejudiced rednecks subject them to in every realm of their life; day in and day out.
Reply:Good comment! God made us all equal but white men have not treated them as equals. And I'm so glad to see that as a liberal, I'm part of the problem, according to m v, the poor little whiney redneck. Report Abuse

Reply:Aptly named - Confused Report Abuse

Reply:I can't even believe you actually not only asked that question, but that you believe it to be the truth.

First off, minority business owners don't hold a monopoly on gouging their customers, if they are doing it in the first place.

Second, if you are going to say minorities get all the business breaks, why not say so do single parents, first time buyers, those with better credit, those with the best ideas, on and on. There is a click everywhere for everyone if they so desire. Find yours, even if you are a white boy ;-)
Reply:Beacause the ***** and complain alot more
Reply:you can blame that on liberals and the ACLU
Reply:Socioeconomic opportunities have been shown to correlate closely with race. I think enterprise zones create a certain amount of parity that would prevent divisions between communities from becoming more pronounced. By the way, if we insisted on the best job for the best price, everything would be made in China, Mexico and India.
Reply:They get all the breaks like starving in Africa too.

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