Between taxes and insurance cost my job just ain't enough. I need more income for my family. For the past two weeks I have been searching the web for a legitimate business opportunity. I do not have the money to invest in scams.
Is there a honest or legitimate online business out there???
An excellent source for finding a legitimate home-based business is to check out Direct Selling Association (DSA) at DSA is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers.
My advice is to go where the money is and that is travel. Travel is a $7.1 billion industry and growing every day. A Baby Boomer is retiring every 8 seconds and the first thing they want to do is travel. The average family in the United States spends $4,200 annually on travel. This is why my wife and I started our own online travel business. We’ve looked for years for a home based business and this is the first thing that made sense to us. The best part is that it sells itself. All you have to do is tell people about it. The industry commissions are already built in. You can also learn to save thousands on your taxes and travel wholesale instead of retail. The company that we work through is publicly traded, SEC regulated, has a $6,000 guarantee, and even offers health insurance. They even send their top agents on a cruise to the Bahamas. No one else does this. We love this business!
Reply:Not sure what you really would like to do, but here is an option. Our company is primarily women but we also have men that are representatives selling our product.
I have a new baby, and I quit my Well-Paid job to work out of my house doing a "party plan" called: Signature HomeStyles. We offer stylish decorating, organizing, %26amp; entertaining products for the home or office. We earn 25-30% base commission on all personal sales. Right now, you can join my team for just $25.00*. We have NO territories. I earn an average of $100-$200 per show. No inventory. Weekly checks for weekly shows. Flexible schedules. LOTS of FUN! You only need to submit minimum of ONE show every Four Months to remain active in our company. We are a National Company founded 37 years ago outside of Chicago, IL. Please look at my webpage, and call me anytime 8am-10:00pm EST for any questions.
April Cheney
Reply:EBay is a great way to learn how to run a business. That is how I started, and eventually bought a real store in our area. I learned all about supply, customer service, marketing, money management, inventory, etc for a few hundred dollars (of which I made back, plus a modest profit).
Cheaper than college, and you can start by just selling stuff that you already have, make, etc. You can see how people respond to different products that you will consider selling for just a couple of dollars ... great way to conduct inexpensive market research.
If you are looking for a road to riches, like in the commercials. good luck. If I knew how to get rich by hardly working, I sure as heck wouldn't be telling people about it on TV. Owning a business requires commitment and time. If you like what you are doing, the time you have to work will not seem like a burden, but a limitation.
Good luck.
it's free to join, work for few hours a week
you may get $400 to $500 we have a patent to prove its not a scam
i make real honest money from this
Reply:There are so many choices in the online world. You need to do your research to find a realistic answer to your online business desire.
We provide free information and tools that will help you make a choice that works for you.
Articles on:
Affiliate Marketing
Information Products
Website design and optimization
Generating Traffic and much more...
Check us out at http://www.youronlinebusinessheadquarter...
We also have several free eCourses available for download at http://www.youronlinebusinessheadquarter...
For a great read on Affiliate Marketing check out the "Super Affiliate Handbook"
Reply:You want to start your own business? Or want to invest in one? Amazon is a great online business;ebay is up there as well.
Since I don't know anything about business I would recommend you take a class in business at a local college, or search for a new career. I'm pretty sure financial aid will be available.
Go for it and good luck
Stock market is a good place to invest in as well.
Reply:Any site that asks for money, OR you don't understand how the money is made, OR its too good to be true (get rich fast scheme) run! What I do and its totally free. Forever. I'm off with a broken hand, so it HAS to be free. You can put in a little time, or a lot of time. Its NOT a get rich quick scheme, but you can make a lot more money than working for someone else. It depends how good you are at it too. If you want contact me and I will send you the website. Its registered with the Better Business Bureau The video explains it all. You will be able to tell if its for you. Its world wide. I know 2 people from India and 1 from Canada doing it. Good luck.
Reply:How about legitimate and free? In researching hundreds of home business opportunities prior to leaving the workforce, I found very few that did not make me very nervous. The few people (3% or so) who make money, make it off of those who sign up and fail or from "get started for $ fees". Look for programs where the profit is not based on people just joining. I finally went with a company that was totally free. I get to make money while supporting a charitable organization. If this interests you at all, please contact me.....I do not make any money when you join for free. If not, I hope you find what you are looking for and that it is everything you imagined it to be.
Reply:I know of a great online business that cost you you either 500$ thats the lowest or 3500$ thats the highest.But I started with the 3500$ cause I wanted to make alot of money. Email me at after you check out the site if you have any questions.
Reply:I don't know what your interests are but I highly recommend Lifepath.
They are a legitimate company with money-back guarantees on all the products and conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. I have been involved for a year now and have done very well.
Call me if you would like more information
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