Can anyone recommend a real, legitiment home based business? I have a special needs child and I need something that I can work strictly from home.
Is there a legitimate home based business opportunity?
13 Reasons To Look At Max International
1. Steve Scott: (Founder/Owner)
Founder, Steve Scott, was the creator of the Television Infomercial business over 30 years ago. Steve has produced infomercials with over ninety one Hollywood Movie Stars such as Chuck Norris %26amp; Christie Brinkley (Total Gym), Richard Simmons (Sweatin' to the Oldies), John Tesh %26amp; Connie Sellica (Gary Smalley Marriage Enrichment Course) and many others. Steve also started 10 other businesses that all grew into multi-million dollar companies.
When Steve was asked to market MaxGXL, his original reaction was, "No, I do not promote products that go into the mouth". To make a long story short - when Steve saw the scientific evidence that MaxGXL did, in fact, slow down the aging process and eliminate many age related diseases, he told his partners that he was going to retire from doing infomercials and spend the rest of his life marketing this Breakthrough product.
Watch Steve's Interview with Larry King @
Watch the "Steve Scott Vision" @
2. Guthy-Renker (Owner):
When Steve Scott realized the magnitude of this Breakthrough product, he asked his friends and competitors, Bill Guthy and Greg Renker to join him. Guthy-Renker had a team of Scientists and Doctors evaluate the product and, 2 weeks later, came back to them saying, "This is the real deal"... MaxGXL is scientifically PROVEN to slow down aging and eliminate many age related diseases. Guthy-Renker eagerly became part owners of Max International and committed to produce infomercials with Hollywood movie stars on each of Max's products.
Did you get that? Infomercials on Max's Products to make them a household word. Launched 20 years ago by Co-CEOs Bill Guthy and Greg Renker, Guthy-Renker is today one of the world's largest direct response television companies with sales of more than $1.5 Billion per year with products like Proactiv Solutions with Jessica Simpson, Winsor Pilates,Sheer Cover with Leeza Gibbons, and Get the Edge with Tony Robbins.
3. Greg Fullerton (Owner):
Those of you who have been in the sales industry are probably familiar with "Franklin Covey" (Franklin Planner). Greg Fullerton was the founder/creator of Franklin Quest which later merged with Steven Covey (7 Habits of Highly Successful People) to form Franklin Covey. Greg Fullerton has given his time management seminars to ALL 500 of the Fortune 500 Companies.
When Steve Scott introduced Greg to MaxGXL and when Greg saw how it was effecting the quality of people's lives, he jumped in with both feet and made a commitment to spend the rest of his life building Max International.
4. Salt Lake City:
For some reason, Salt Lake City is the home of 70 plus major Network Marketing companies. Since neither Greg Fullerton nor Steve Scott nor Bill Guthy nor Greg Renker had any experience building a network marketing business, they used their financial resources to recruit some of the most qualified and most experienced individuals in the entire industry from these other companies.
For example, many of our V.P.'s have either been the President, Owner or Founder of their own Network Marketing company somewhere along the way. These well qualified leaders are the Best of the Best and more than capable of taking Max International worldwide because they have all done it before.
Read about the Max Management Team @
5. Deep Pockets:
It is evident by the quality of Leadership recruited from these other companies and the quality of the Max Marketing materials, that there is plenty of money behind this company. Every month they fly over 100 Network Marketers into the home office... pick them up in limo's, pay for their hotel stay for 2 - 3 nights and wine and dine them with great food.
During these 48 hour stays, the founders, owners and top level management mingle with their guests, treat everyone with respect and make themselves accessible to each and every person there. They share their heart and their dream, answer questions and invite their guests to join them in building a championship company.
6. Dr. Robert Keller: (Creator of Max GXL)
Dr. Robert Keller was voted one of America's Top Physicians for the past 5 years, as well as being recognized as one of the Top 2,000 scientists of the 21st century. Dr. Keller treats people with Aids, Cancer and Auto-Immune disorders in his Florida clinic. In an effort to help his patients, Dr. Keller created/formulated and has been using MaxGXL in his practice (and also in Africa) for over 10 years with great success.
Therefore, although Max International is only 1 year old, the product has been undergoing clinical trials and testing for more than 10 years.
Learn more about Dr. Keller @
Dr. Keller's personal website is @
7. Composition Patent:
There are two types of patents awarded to nutritional products. The U.S. Patent office awarded Dr. Keller a "Composition Patent" for his scientific discovery.
1. UTILITY PATENT - This patent allows for a competitor to change up to 30% of the formula and still receive a patent on a similar product.
2. COMPOSITION PATENT - This patent does not allow anyone to change even one ingredient in an attempt to duplicate your product. This is the same patent is given Pharmaceuticals.
8. John Nelson:
John Nelson, the immediate past President of the American Medical Association, a man who was passionate about putting what he called "quack" products out of business when president of the AMA, said this about MaxGXL:
"This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important
breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time. I believe it
will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine
world-wide and make Dr. Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk
who created the polio vaccine."
9. Breakthrough Products:
Steve Scott told us that Max will never be a catalog company and will only represent "Breakthrough" products. Here is how Steve described a Breakthrough product:
1. It's Break Through Effective… meaning it's new and not a copy or knock-off of another product.
2. It's Science Based … meaning the product is backed by scientific research and clinical testing.
When Steve was in the infomercial business his company researched 2,000 products to find one "Breakthrough" product good enough to turn into an infomercial.
The Home Shopping Network asked Steve's company to evaluate their products for a year and choose which ones were good enough to do an infomercial on. At the end of one year they had not found one product that was what Steve called a "Breakthrough" product.
Max International has 3 more Breakthrough products coming out this year:
A. Weight Loss Break-through that in clinical trials found the average woman lost 22 lbs of fat and gained 1 1/2 lbs of muscle in 8 weeks
B. Life Extension Break-through containing enzymes that, when given to mice, cause them to live 30% longer.
C. Skin Care Break-through - Scientists at Clemson University have reduced Glutathione to Nano size and when put into skin creme, results are visible in 90 seconds.
Our first product, MaxGXL, is the ONLY product in the world that is clinically proven to increase Glutathione levels in every cell in the body up to 400%, as well as recycle the used glutathione that is stored in the liver.
Learn more about Glutathione @
10. Superior to Juices, Pills, Berries, Bark or Plants:
There are 2 way to repair Free Radical damage on the cellular level
1. Exogenous - Plant source Pills and Juices repair "SOME" free radical damage from the outside in by stimulating regeneration.
2. Endogenous (MaxGXL) - Created naturally within all 15 million cells and repairs "ALL" free radical damage from the inside out by initiating regeneration.
This is a Very BIG Deal!
For those who understand how Free Radicals "Steal" electrons from other cells...
- Vitamin E has......... 3 extra electrons to share
- Vitamin C has......... 5 extra electrons to share
- OPC's have.............. 250 extra electrons to share
- Glutathione has...... 1 million extra electrons to share
Glutathione is the KING of ALL antioxidants
11. Compensation Plan:
The Max Compensation Plan is powerful and unique "Hybrid" of a Binary combined with a Uni-level that has unlimited income potential. This combination is attracting many Legendary, Professional Network Marketers who are jumping on board NOW while the comp
Reply:Yes, there are several. You can research with the Better Business Bureau. Sometimes they will even give referrals for businesses in good standing. I have been working from home for several years now and have researched businesses at the onset and ongoing. There are many factors to consider in choosing a business, it must fit you and your desires, should be a choice that is long term and not a "fad for the moment" to ensure your long term success. A strong on going training program would be a huge factor as well as a product or service that is in high demand. I highly recommend checking with the BBB then choosing for options that fit your interests.
Reply:You really need to be careful here, I see about 10 scams in these answers.
Although an opportunity looks great and sounds great, it doesn't mean that it will work for you.
If you are truly serious about starting your own business from home my best advice is to find a mentor. Someone who can steer you away from the scams and show you different options.
As a stay at home myself, I understand your desire and need to better your financial situation.
I would love to help you out, send me an email.
Reply:You must be very careful and research the company you are interested in. You do not wanted to be scammed. It has taken me a long time but I finally found a legitimate company that has been in business for 16 years. Check out and see if that is what you are looking for in a job position. Good luck in your quest for a home based business.
Reply:Hi I'm not sure what type of business you are looking for. I have a home based business with Purse Party Inc. We do in home purse parties. We sell purses and jewelry. You do the majority of work from your home then go out and do parties on the days you prefer.
If you are interested feel free to email me with any questions!
You can view all of the information about our company at
Reply:I love what I do and it helped me get in shape, be healthier and really help others!
You do not need any special training. All you need is a commitment to your own fitness program and the desire to help others.
I make money every week and I get Free customers directly from advertising that the company does. I know you have seen the ads for Power 90, P90X, Turbo Jam or Hip Hop abs, Slim in 6 etc.
Here's some info for you:
The cost is so small (under $40.00 to get your business Kit and then 14.95 per month for a website).
I can help you get started and it is real simple. The business can build itself after just a little effort on your part. Anyone can do it. You just need to support people and stay consistent with your own fitness program.
Let me know if you want help with this. I am so happy I found something like this and get very excited to share it with people. I get paid every week and still can't believe it!
Have a Great Day!
Reply:I myself have tried numerous home based businesses,SFI is the only 1 that helps you build a profitable business. Being a single mother, finding something from home has been a challenge. SFI has the best commisions out of all the companies I've researched (it took me 10 yrs. to find this opportunity)If you'd like to know more,please contact me. I hope I can be of help,Erika
Reply:The answer to your question is Yes!!! I run my own business within this company that has many at home parents. Please e-mail me directly and I will tell you all about it. I am interested in helping you. This is not a joke. Serious Inquiries only.....
Reply:I am an Independent Broker with Ameriplan. We offer discount health services. This is truely a business you can work strictly from home. Please feel free to drop me an email anytime with any questions that you may have or visit my website at
Reply:I have the answer for you! YTB, maybe you have heard of them. Company has been around since 2001. I have just started with them 3 months ago and already seeing results. The choice is real, the money is real, the company is real. check out the link
If you have any questions,
email me at
Reply:No Selling... No Explaining... No Prospecting...No Answering Questions...and absolutely NO phone calls. Think this is too good to be true? Then don't go to...
We are seeking 7 Honest People Who Want To Earn $3K+ Per Week - Is That YOU? If your fed up with all the BS, gimmicks and scams...Want an HONEST and GENUINE internet business? Everything you need to know is here: Don't miss out! If you do... you'll be wondering why you don't have more paychecks!
Go check this site out this is the best one that i have found on the net.i've actaully looked at quite a few.With a little work you can make a good living from it.Any questions feel free to contact me
Thanks Mike Jackson
Reply:There are several, including Avon, Tupperware, and Quixtar.
If you're into the ... shall we say "racier" parts of life, you can contact your local Adult Toy store and see about Home Parties, such as Tupperware puts on.
Good Luck!
Reply:We have worked from home since 1983...fulltime
Yes we have business opportunities that have paid us monthly for 11 years...
We can help you get a home business income going with NO out pf pocket cost....
Never pay to start an online business
Contact us through our profile here at yahoo
Reply:Hi there,
Go to
Let me know what you think.
Reply:DeniseJ's Link above is a great one.
I work with GRN and love it.
If your not a sales person, but you can afford to invest, we have va's that close all of our sales.
You can even outsource your advertising at a very cheap price.
It's too bad you had a terrible sponsor.
I never understood that, and I see that over and over again. Irresponsible sponsors who don't help their downline.
Makes me mad!
Once I've reached 10 team members I'll start sending signups to them to build their business.
I won't post my link here, but If anyone here is ready to start something great with The best team send me a message!
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