Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Intern or job opportunity for high school student in business, economics, politics, biology or chemistry?

Hi, I am a high school junior and I live in San diego, California.

I am currently taking 6 AP courses and I 've maintained very high GPA throughout my freshman and sophomore years.

I have leadership positions in many of my school's most prestigious clubs like Model United Nations and Key Club, and have more than 500 hours of community service.

I have several awards from regional math competitions, science olympiad, and speech tournament.

I also got a score of 225 on PSAT, 800 on Korean SAT, and 790 on Chemistry SAT, and 5 on my AP Chem test. (I haven't taken the real SAT yet.)

I still have one more year to do many many more things so I am trying to find some internship or job opportunities.

I am interested in business/economics/politics/bio/chem so I would be really happy to work at any company/lab related to these fields.

It can be during school year or summer jobs. daily or weekly. It doesn't matter.

Please give me some advice =D thank you

Intern or job opportunity for high school student in business, economics, politics, biology or chemistry?
Find the very best looking place for your resume and go there. If you offer to work for free, you can probably get into anywhere. If you get paid, you will end up doing very boring clerical work and not learn anything.

Right now the experience of a great company or government office is more valuable than $8/hr

Since your in SD, try Qualcomm.

student loan

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