Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It is potential Business Opportunity in Indonesia for UK Land Banking?

UK Land Banking, it is the company which buy the Agricultural Land convert to the Commercial Land and then getting the planning permission from UK Goverment. The whole process taking about 10 years.

The gain profit from the convertion to the planning permission approve by UK Goverment is 800 - 1000%. The initial investment you buy the land as little as UK pound 10K - 20K.

What do you think this business can work in Indonesia investors? if no pls tell me why, Thank you.

It is potential Business Opportunity in Indonesia for UK Land Banking?
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. I know you're trying your best, but your English needs a little work. No one will be able to answer this question as it stands now.

Try asking a native English speaker to help you re-write it!
Reply:This business is quite familiar in Indonesia especially for those ESPN subscribers as there is an advertising on this; "buy UK Land, I did"

My own opinion, this business is very potential considering the return is more than 15% which is higher than the current fixed deposit interest rate. In addition, this offers something new in Indonesia.

Welcome in Indonesia.

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