Monday, July 12, 2010

What is the secret ingredient to become a successful business person?

I am wondering what are the possible aspects to be consider a successful business person, in relation to the knowledge and market share. In addition, how can I discover various business opportunities to start at a low cost?

What is the secret ingredient to become a successful business person?
Learn all you can about running businesses. I guess you could check out the entire business section of the Library, but there is a difference between learning something and learning ABOUT something.

I would suggest hooking yourself up with as many successful business people as you possibly can. Work with them. Network with them. Ask them questions. Learn from their mistakes. Learn from your mistakes. Learn what they watch. Learn what they worry about. Learn why they worry about it. Learn what they measure. Learn what they monitor constantly.

The details will change from job to job, but the discipline of watching and observing will serve you far better in the business world than book knowledge.

Remember, smart and successful business people OBSERVE behavior, TRANSLATE that into a latent need and then BUILD A BUSINESS to serve that need. Learn to observer while you observe.
Reply:Smart work and work smart.
Reply:You must have charisma to the people, has a good sense of humor, has a positive attitude, and of course, patience. My dad had all these aspects then he became a successful personality in business.

In your other question, just read some magazines about those people who are successful in business, ;) be inspired.

^g0od luck.
Reply:Enjoy what you're doing.
Reply:I read business and self improvement books.
Reply:One quote changed my attitude:

"Rich people acquire wealth, poor people acquire things."

What this means to me is that if I want to be successful then I needed to focus on changing the way I spent my money first.

I suggest getting into business opportunities that enable you to acquire wealth. Now is the time to look towards real-estate and getting ready to gear up to investing in the stock market.
Reply:liking what you do and liking people.

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